A message to the aliens, part 23/23 (wat)
Earlier articles:
Common features
Page 1 (numerals)
Page 2 (arithmetic)
Page 3 (exponents)
Page 4 (algebra)
Page 5 (geometry)
Page 6 (chemistry)
Page 7 (mass)
Page 8 (time and space)
Page 9 (physical units)
Page 10 (temperature)
Page 11 (solar system)
Page 12 (Earth-Moon system)
Page 13 (days, months, and years)
Page 14 (terrain)
Page 15 (human anatomy)
Page 16 (vital statistics)
Page 17 (DNA chemistry)
Page 18 (cell respiration and division)
Pages 19-20 (map of the Earth)
Page 21 (the message)
Page 22 (cosmology)
This is page 23 (the last) of the Cosmic Call
message. An explanation follows.

This page is a series of questions for the recipients of the message.
It is labeled with the glyph , which heretofore
appeared only on page 4 in the context
of solving of algebraic equations. So we might interpret it as
meaning a solution or a desire to solve or understand. I have chosen to translate
it as “wat”.
I find this page irritating in its vagueness and confusion. Its
layout is disorganized. Glyphs are used inconsistent with their uses
elsewhere on the page and elsewhere in the message.
For example, the mysterious glyph
, which
has something to do with the recipients of the message, and which
appeared only on page 21 is used here to
ask about both the recipients themselves and also about their planet.
The questions are arranged in groups. For easy identification, I have
color-coded the groups.

Starting from the upper-left corner, and proceeding counterclockwise, we
Kilograms, meters, and seconds, wat. I would have used the glyphs for
abstract mass, distance, and time,
and ,
since that seems to be closer to the intended meaning.
Alien mathematics, physics, and biology, wat. Note that this asks
specifically about the recipients’ version of the sciences.
None of these three glyphs has been subscripted before. Will the
meaning be clear to the recipients? One also wonders why the message
doesn't express a desire to understand human science, or science
generally. One might argue that it does not make sense to ask the
recipients about the human versions of mathematics and physics. But a
later group expresses a desire to understand males and females, and the
recipients don't know anything about that either.
Aliens wat. Alien [planet] mass, radius, acceleration wat.
The meaning of
shifts here from meaning the recipients themselves to the recipients’
planet. “Acceleration”
is intended to refer to the planet's gravitational acceleration as
on page 14. What if the recipients
don't live on a planet? I suppose they will be familiar with planets
generally and with the fact that we live on a planet, which explained
back on pages 11–13, and will get the idea.
Fucking speed of light, how does it work?
Planck's constant, wat. Universal gravitation constant, wat?
Males and females, wat. Alien people, wat. Age of people,
wat. This group seems to be about our desire to understand ourselves,
except that the third item relates to the aliens. I'm not quite sure
what is going on. Perhaps “males and females” is intended to refer to
the recipients? But the glyphs are not subscripted, and there is no
strong reason to believe that the aliens have the same sexuality.
The glyph
, already used
both to mean the age of the Earth and the typical human lifespan, is
even less clear here. Does it mean we want to understand the reasons
for human life expectancy? Or is it intended to continue the inquiry
from the previous line and is asking about the recipients’ history or
Land, water, and atmosphere of the recipients’ planet, wat.
Energy, force, pressure, power, wat. The usage here is
inconsistent from the first group, which asked not about mass,
distance, and time but about kilograms, meters, and seconds specifically.
Velocity and acceleration, wat. I wonder why these are in a
separate group, instead of being clustered with the previous group or
the first group. I also worry about the equivocation in
which is sometimes used to mean the Earth's gravitational acceleration
and sometimes acceleration generally. We already said we want to
mass ,
!!G!! ,
and the size of the Earth. The Earth's surface gravity can be
straightforwardly calculated from these, so there's nothing else to
understand about that.
Alien planet, wat.
The glyph
heretofore been used only to refer to the planet Earth. It does not mean planets
generally, because it was not used in connection with Jupiter
Here, however, it
seems to refer to the recipients’ planet.
The universe, wat. HUH???
That was the last page. Thanks for your kind attention.
[ Many thanks to Anna Gundlach, without whose timely email I might not have found the motivation to finish this series. ]
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Math SE report 2015-08
I only posted three answers in August, but two of them were interesting.
In why this !!\sigma\pi\sigma^{-1}!! keeps apearing in my group
theory book? (cycle
decomposition) the
querent asked about the “conjugation” operation that keeps cropping
up in group theory. Why is it important? I sympathize with this;
it wasn't adequately explained when I took group theory, and I had
to figure it out a long time later. Unfortunately I don't think I
picked the right example to explain it, so I am going to try again
Consider the eight symmetries of the square. They are of five types:
- Rotation clockwise or counterclockwise by 90°.
- Rotation by 180°.
- Horizontal or vertical reflection
- Diagonal reflection
- The trivial (identity) symmetry
What is meant when I say that a horizontal and a vertical reflection
are of the same ‘type’? Informally, it is that the horizontal
reflection looks just like the vertical reflection, if you turn your
head ninety degrees. We can formalize this by observing that if we
rotate the square 90°, then give it a horizontal flip, then rotate it
back, the effect is exactly to give it a vertical flip. In notation,
we might represent the horizontal flip by !!H!!, the vertical flip by
!!V!!, the clockwise rotation by !!\rho!!, and the counterclockwise
rotation by !!\rho^{-1}!!; then we have
$$ \rho H \rho^{-1} = V$$
and similarly
$$ \rho V \rho^{-1} = H.$$
Vertical flips do not look like diagonal flips—the diagonal flip leaves two of the corners in the same place, and the vertical flip does not—and indeed there is
no analogous formula with !!H!! replaced with one of the diagonal
flips. However, if !!D_1!! and !!D_2!! are the two diagonal flips,
then we do have
$$ \rho D_1 \rho^{-1} = D_2.$$
In general, When !!a!! and !!b!! are
two symmetries, and there is some symmetry !!x!! for which
$$xax^{-1} = b$$
we say that !!a!! is conjugate to !!b!!.
One can show that
conjugacy is an equivalence relation, which means that the symmetries
of any object can be divided into separate “conjugacy classes” such that two
symmetries are conjugate if and only if they are in the same class.
For the square, the conjugacy classes are the five I listed earlier.
This conjugacy thing is important for telling when two symmetries
are group-theoretically “the same”, and have the same
group-theoretic properties. For example, the fact that the
horizontal and vertical flips move all four vertices, while the
diagonal flips do not. Another example is that a horizontal flip is
self-inverse (if you do it again, it cancels itself out), but a 90°
rotation is not (you have to do it four times before it cancels
out.) But the horizontal flip shares all its properties with the
vertical flip, because it is the same if you just turn your head.
Identifying this sameness makes certain kinds of arguments much
simpler. For example, in counting
squares, I wanted to
count the number of ways of coloring the faces of a cube, and instead
of dealing with the 24 symmetries of the cube, I only needed to deal
with their 5 conjugacy classes.
The example I gave in my math.se answer was maybe less perspicuous. I
considered the symmetries of a sphere, and talked about how two
rotations of the sphere by 17° are conjugate, regardless of what axis
one rotates around. I thought of the square at the end, and threw it
in, but I wish I had started with it.
How to convert a decimal to a fraction
easily? was the
month's big winner. OP wanted to know how to take a decimal like
!!0.3760683761!! and discover that it can be written as
!!\frac{44}{117}!!. The right answer to this is of course to use
continued fraction theory, but I did not want to write a long
treatise on continued fractions, so I stripped down the theory to
obtain an algorithm that is slower, but much easier to understand.
The algorithm is just binary search, but with a twist. If you are looking for a
fraction for !!x!!, and you know !!\frac ab < x < \frac cd!!, then
you construct the mediant !!\frac{a+c}{b+d}!! and compare it with
!!x!!. This gives you a smaller interval in which to search for
!!x!!, and the reason you use the mediant instead of using
!!\frac12\left(\frac ab + \frac cd\right)!! as usual is that if you use the
mediant you are guaranteed to exactly nail all the best rational
approximations of !!x!!. This is the algorithm I
described a few years ago in your age as a fraction,
again; there the binary search proceeds
down the branches of the Stern-Brocot tree to find a fraction close
to !!0.368!!.
I did ask a question this month: I was looking for a simpler version
of the dogbone space
construction. The
dogbone space is a very peculiar counterexample of general topology,
originally constructed by R.H. Bing. I mentioned it here in
2007, and said, at the time:
[The paper] is on my desk, but I have not read this yet, and I may never.
I did try to read it, but I did not try very hard, and I did not
understand it. So my question this month was if there was a simpler
example of the same type. I did not receive an answer, just a
followup comment that no, there is no such example.
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A message to the aliens, part 22/23 (cosmology)
Earlier articles:
Common features
Page 1 (numerals)
Page 2 (arithmetic)
Page 3 (exponents)
Page 4 (algebra)
Page 5 (geometry)
Page 6 (chemistry)
Page 7 (mass)
Page 8 (time and space)
Page 9 (physical units)
Page 10 (temperature)
Page 11 (solar system)
Page 12 (Earth-Moon system)
Page 13 (days, months, and years)
Page 14 (terrain)
Page 15 (human anatomy)
Page 16 (vital statistics)
Page 17 (DNA chemistry)
Page 18 (cell respiration and division)
Pages 19-20 (map of the Earth)
Page 21 (the message)
This is page 22 of the Cosmic Call
message. An explanation follows.

The 10 digits are:
This page discusses properties of the entire universe. It is labeled
with a new glyph,
which denotes the universe or the cosmos. On this page I am on
uncertain ground, because I know very little about cosmology. My
explanation here could be completely wrong without my realizing it.
The page contains only five lines of text. In order, they state:
The Friedmann
which is the current model for the expansion of the
universe. This expansion is believed to be uniform everywhere, but
even if it isn't, the recipients are so close by that they will
see exactly the same expansion we do. If they have noticed the expansion,
they may well have come to the same theoretical conclusions about it.
The equation is:
$$H^2 = \frac{8\pi G}3\rho + \frac{\Lambda c^2 }3$$
where !!H!! is the Hubble parameter
(which describes how quickly the universe is expanding),
!!G!! is the universal gravitation constant
(introduced on page 9),
!!\rho!! is the density of the universe
(given on the next line),
and !!\Lambda c^2!! ( )
is one of the forms of the
cosmological constant (given on the following line).
The average density
of the universe ,
given as !!2.76\times 10^{-27} \mathrm{kg}
~\mathrm{m}^{-3}!!. The “density” glyph would have been more at home
with the other physics definitions of page
9, but it wasn't needed until now, and
that page was full.
The cosmological constant !!\Lambda!! is about !!10^{-52}
\mathrm{m}^{-2}!!. The related value given here, !!\Lambda c^2!!, is !!1.08\cdot
10^{-35} \mathrm{s}^{-2}!!.
The calculated value of the Hubble parameter !!H!! is given here in
the rather strange form !!\frac1{14000000000}\mathrm{year}^{-1}!!.
The reason it is phrased this way is that (assuming that !!H!! were
constant) !!\frac1H!! would be the age of the universe, approximately
14,000,000,000 years. So this line not only communicates our
estimate for the current value of the Hubble parameter, it
expresses it in units that may make clear our beliefs about the age
of the universe. It is regrettable that this wasn't stated more
explicitly, using the glyph
that was already used for the age of the Earth on page
13. There
was plenty of extra space, so perhaps the senders didn't think of it.
The average temperature of the universe, about 2.736 kelvins. This is based on measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the same in every direction, so if the recipients have noticed it at all, they have seen the same CMB that we have.
 The next
article will discuss the final page, shown at
right. (Click to enlarge.) Try to figure it out before then.
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A message to the aliens, part 21/23 (the message)
Earlier articles:
Common features
Page 1 (numerals)
Page 2 (arithmetic)
Page 3 (exponents)
Page 4 (algebra)
Page 5 (geometry)
Page 6 (chemistry)
Page 7 (mass)
Page 8 (time and space)
Page 9 (physical units)
Page 10 (temperature)
Page 11 (solar system)
Page 12 (Earth-Moon system)
Page 13 (days, months, and years)
Page 14 (terrain)
Page 15 (human anatomy)
Page 16 (vital statistics)
Page 17 (DNA chemistry)
Page 18 (cell respiration and division)
Pages 19-20 (map of the Earth)
This is page 21 of the Cosmic Call
message. An explanation follows.

The 10 digits are:
This page discusses the message itself. It is headed with the glyph
for “physics” .
leftmost part of the page has a cartoon of the Yevpatoria RT-70 radio
that was used to send the message, labeled “Earth” . Coming out the
the telescope is a stylized depiction of a radio wave. Two rulers
measure the radio wave. The smaller one measures a single wavelength,
and is labeled “frequency =
5,010,240,000 Hz ” and “wavelength
0.059836 meters ”; these are the
frequency and the wavelength of the radio waves used to send the
message. The longer ruler has the notation “127×127×23”, describing
the format of the message itself, 23 pages of 127×127 bitmaps, and
also “43000 people ”, which I do not
understand at all. Were 43,000 people somehow involved with sending
the message? That seems far too many. Were there 43,000 people in
Yevpatoria in 1999? That seems far too few; the current population is
over 100,000. I am mystified.
At the other end of the radio wave is
the glyph , which is
hard to decipher, because it appears only on this page and on the
unhelpful page 23. I guess it is intended to refer to the
recipients of the message.
[ Addendum 20151219: Having reviewed page 23, I am still in the
References to the mass and radius of
suggest that it refers to the recipients’ planet, but references to the mathematics, physics, and biology of
suggests that it refers to the recipients themselves. ]
In the lower-right corner of the page is another cartoon of the RT-70,
this time with a ruler underneath showing its diameter, 70 meters.
Above the cartoon is the power output of the telescope, 150 kilowatts.
 The next
article will discuss page 22, shown at
right. (Click to enlarge.) Try to figure it out before then.
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