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Fri, 21 Aug 2015
A message to the aliens, part 6/23 (chemistry)
Earlier articles: Introduction Common features Page 1 (numerals) Page 2 (arithmetic) Page 3 (exponents) Page 4 (algebra) Page 5 (geometry) This is page 6 of the Cosmic Call message. An explanation follows. The 10 digits again:
Page 6 discusses fundamental particles of matter, the structure of the hydrogen and helium atoms, and defines glyphs for the most important chemical elements. Depicted at top left is the hydrogen atom, with a proton The diagram for helium
The illustrations may puzzle the aliens, depending on how they think of atoms. (Feynman once said that this idea of atoms as little solar systems, with the electrons traveling around the nucleus like planets, was a hundred years old and out of date.) But the accompanying mass and charge data should help clear things up. The first formula says
the mass of the proton is 1836 times the mass of the electron, and that 1836, independent of the units used and believed to be a universal and fundamental constant, ought to be a dead giveaway about what is being discussed here. If you want to communicate fundamental constants, you have a bit of a problem. You can't tell the aliens that the speed of light is !!1.8\cdot10^{12}!! furlongs per fortnight without first explaining furlongs and fortnights (as is actually done on a later page). But the proton-electron mass ratio is dimensionless; it's 1836 in every system of units. (Although the value is actually known to be 1836.15267; I don't know why a more accurate value wasn't given.) This is the first use of subscripts in the document. It also takes
care of introducing the symbol The next two formulas, accompanying the illustration of the helium
atom, describe the mass (1.00138 protons) and charge (zero) of the
neutron. I wonder why the authors went for the number 1.00138 here
instead of writing the neutron-electron mass ratio of 1838 for
consistency with the previous ratio. I also worry that this won't be
enough for the aliens to be sure about the meaning of The second half of the page reiterates the symbols for hydrogen and
helium and defines symbols for eight other chemical elements. Some of
these appear in organic compounds that will be discussed later; others
are important constituents of the Earth. It also
introduces symbol for “union” or “and”:
Most of these new glyphs are not especially mnemonic, except for hydrogen—and aluminium, which is spectacular. The blog is going on hiatus until early September. When it returns, the next article will discuss page 7, shown at right. It has three errors. Can you find them? (Click to enlarge.)[Other articles in category /aliens/dd] permanent link |