The Universe of Discourse

Fri, 11 Sep 2020

Historical diffusion of words for “eggplant”

In reply to my recent article about the history of words for “eggplant”, a reader, Lydia, sent me this incredible map they had made that depicts the history and the diffusion of the terms:

A map of the world, with arrows depicting the sequential adoption
of different terms for eggplant, as the words mutated from language to
language.  For details, see the previous post.  The map is an
oval-shaped projection.  The ocean parts of the
map are a dark eggplant-purple color, and a eggplant stem has been
added at the eastern edge, in the Pacific Ocean.

Lydia kindly gave me permission to share their map with you. You can see the early Dravidian term vaḻutanaṅṅa in India, and then the arrows show it travelling westward across Persia and, Arabia, from there to East Africa and Europe, and from there to the rest of the world, eventually making its way back to India as brinjal before setting out again on yet more voyages.

Thank you very much, Lydia! And Happy Diada Nacional de Catalunya, everyone!

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