The Universe of Discourse

Fri, 27 Sep 2019

Typographical mysteries of Yeadon

Here are some pictures I took of the firehouse in Yeadon, PA.

A portion of the vehicular
entrance of the
firehouse, which is a three-story brick-faced building displaying the
flags of the U.S. and of Pennsylvania.  Bolted to racks above the main
driveways are the letters YEADON FIRE DEPT.

(more images)

Every time I drive past this, I wonder: is that the original letter “O”? Or was there originally a narrow “O” that was lost or damaged, and which couldn't be replaced with a matching letter?

Here's the Google Street View version, from November 2016. The letters are painted green, but the “O” is still the circular one.

[ Addendum 20191004: More about this ]

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