The Universe of Disco

Wed, 12 Nov 2008

Flag variables in Bourne shell programs
Who the heck still programs in Bourne shell? Old farts like me, occasionally. Of course, almost every time I do I ask myself why I didn't write it in Perl. Well, maybe this will be of some value to some fart even older than me..

Suppose you want to set a flag variable, and then later you want to test it. You probably do something like this:

        if some condition; then


        if [ "$IS_NAKED" == "1" ]; then
          flag is set
          flag is not set
Or maybe you use ${IS_NAKED:-0} or some such instead of "$IN_NAKED". Whatever.

Today I invented a different technique. Try this on instead:

        if some condition; then


        if $IS_NAKED; then
          flag is set
          flag is not set
The arguments both for and against it seem to be obvious, so I won't make them.

I have never seen this done before, but, as I concluded and R.J.B. Signes independently agreed, it is obvious once you see it.

[ Addendum 20090107: some followup notes ]

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