The Universe of Disco

Mon, 04 Nov 2019

Wonders of the Internet, II

We have had two of these plastic thingies cluttering up our dish drainer for years. We didn't know what they were but we didn't want to throw them away because what if they are important?

A photograph of my hand, holding rectangular piece of white
plastic with a handle-shaped indentation on the front and two short
feet sticking out below

I got tired of them this weekend, and examined one more closely. There wasn't any indication of what it had been part of, or what it was for, but it did have the marking PART 2198768 on the back, so I handed that to The Goog.

And the result was instantaneous and unequivocal: it belongs to my refrigerator. Specifically, it goes in the back of the freezer compartment to keep food from falling down into the back and blocking the drainage path.

Partial screengrab of Google Search results.  At the top is a
link titled “Whirlpool 2198768 Read Fence”.  Then there follow some
images of the part, looking just as it does in my picture.  Then there
is a hit titled “What is the 'rear fence' and what does it do?”, and
one from Amazon offering a replacement part for sale.

Truly, we live in an age of marvels.

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