The Universe of Disco

Fri, 20 Jul 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2018-06

Volume was way down in May and June, mainly because of giant work crises that ate all my energy. I will try to get back on track now.



In the past I have boldfaced posts that seemed more likely to be of general interest. None of these seem likely to be of general interest.

Also, I think it is time to stop posting these roundups. By now everyone who wants to know about is aware of it and can follow along without prompting. So I expect this will be the last of these posts. Shitposting will continue, but without these summaries.

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Sun, 06 May 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2018-04

Last month I regretted making only 22 posts but I promised:

April will be better; I'm on pace to break the previous volume record, and I've also been doing a good job of promoting better posts to the major leagues.

I blew it! I tied the previous volume record. But I also think I did do a decent job promoting the better posts. Usually I look over the previous month's posts and pick out two or three that seem to be of more interest than the others. Not this month! They are all shit, except the one ghostwritten by Anette Gordon-Reed. If this keeps up, I will stop doing these monthly roundup posts.

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Fri, 20 Apr 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2018-03

Here is a list of March's shitposts. I don't recall what my excuse was for there being only 22, but in my defense, I will add that they were almost all terrible. There was one decent math post I maybe should have promoted.

(And also Nancy and Squid, which was awesome, and also 100% Grade A shitpost. I thought when I posted it a crowd of people would burst into the room and carry me off on their shoulders. Instead, nobody seems to have noticed.)

April will be better; I'm on pace to break the previous volume record, and I've also been doing a good job of promoting better posts to the major leagues.

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Fri, 23 Mar 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2018-02

Here is a list of February's shitposts, later than usual, but who cares? Boldface indicates the articles that may (may) be of more general interest (ha). I think that I did a better job of noticing when a post wasn't shitty enough and promoting it, pre-publication, to this blog, so you will have seen all the better stuff already.

I'm pleased, volume over January is slightly up, and quality is definitely down, especially in the last half of the month. But I posted on only 21 of 28 days; I'll have to work on that.

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Thu, 01 Feb 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2018-01

As I may have mentioned, I have started another blog, called Content-type: text/shitpost.

Last month I said:

The shitposts have been suffering quality creep and I am making an effort to lower my standards. I will keep you posted about how this develops.

I think I am doing better. I will continue my efforts to emphasize quantity over quality, with a multi-pronged approach:

  • Faster production with lower production standards
  • Less filtering of possible topics for relevance, general interest, or almost anything else
  • Promote insufficiently shitty posts to The Universe of Discourse

It will be a struggle, but I resolve to do my best!

Here is a list of January's shitposts. Boldface indicates the articles that may (may) be of more general interest (ha). There are fewer of these than last month because I promoted several of the better ones, so you have seen them already.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2018

Shitpost roundup, 2017-12

As I mentioned before, I have started another blog, called Content-type: text/shitpost.

The shitposts have been suffering quality creep and I am making an effort to lower my standards. I will keep you posted about how this develops. (I don't think the quality creep was the cause of lower volume this month; rather, I was on vacation for a week.)

Here is a list of last month's shitposts. I have added a short blurb to those that may be of more general interest.

I plan to continue to post monthly summaries here.

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Wed, 06 Dec 2017

Shitpost roundup, 2017-11

As I mentioned before, I have started another blog, called Content-type: text/shitpost. While I don't recommend that you read it regularly, you might want to scan over this list of the articles from November 2017 to see if anything catches your eye.

I plan to continue to post monthly summaries here.

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