Addenda to recent articles 200603
Here are some notes on posts from the last
month that I couldn't find better places for.
- In my close attention
to the most embarrassing moments of the Indiana Pacemates, I
completely missed the fact that Pacemate Nikki,
the only one who admitted to farting in public, also reports that she
was born with twelve fingers.
- Regarding the
manufacture of spherical objects, I omitted several kinds of
spherical objects that are not manufactured in any of the ways I
One is the gumball. It's turned out to be surprisingly difficult to
get definitive information about how gumballs are manufactured. My
present understanding is that the gum is first extruded in a sort of
hollow pipe shape, and then clipped off into balls with a pinching
device something like the Civil-War-era bullet mold pictured at right.
The gumballs are then sprayed with a hard, shiny coating, which tends
to even out any irregularities.
[ Addendum 20070307: the bullet mold at right is probably not used in
the way I said. See this addendum for more
details. ]
- Glass marbles are made with several processes. One of the most
interesting involves a device invented by Martin Frederick
Christensen. (US Patent #802,495, "Machine For Making Spherical
Bodies Or Balls".) The device has two wheels, each with a deep groove
around the rim. The grooves have a semicircular cross-section. The
wheels rotate in opposite directions on parallel axes, and are aligned
so that the space between the two grooves is exactly circular.
The marble is initially a slug of hot glass cut from the end of a long
rod. The slug sits in the two grooves and is rolled into a spherical
shape by the rotating wheels. For more details, see the Akron Marbles web
Fiberglas is spun from a big vat of melted glass; to promote melting,
the glass starts out in the form of marbles. ("Marbles" appears to be
the correct jargon term.) I have not been able to find out how they
make the marbles to begin with. I found patents for the manufacture of
Fiberglas from the marbles, but nothing about how the marbles
themselves are made. Presumably they are not made with an apparatus
as sophisticated as Christensen's, since it is not important that the
marbles be exactly spherical. Wikipedia hints at "rollers".
The thingies pictured to the right are another kind of
nearly-spherical object I forgot about when I wrote the original
article. They are pellets of taconite ore. Back in the 1950s, the
supply of high-quality iron ore started to run out. Taconite contains
about 30% iron, but the metal is in the form of tiny particles
dispersed throughout very hard inert rock. To extract the iron, you
first crush the taconite to powder, and then magnetically separate the
iron dust from the rock dust.
But now you have a problem. Iron dust is tremendously inconvenient to
handle. The slightest breeze spreads it all over the place. It
sticks to things, it blows away. It can't be dumped into the smelting
furnace, because it will blow right back out. And iron-refining
processes were not equipped for pure iron anyway; they were developed
for high-grade ore, which contains about 65% iron.
The solution is to take the iron powder and mix it with some water,
then roll it in a drum with wet clay. The iron powder and clay
accumulate into pellets about a half-inch in diameter, and the pellets
are dried. Pellets are easy to transport and to store. You can dump
them into an open rail car, and most of them will still be in the rail
car when it arrives at the refinery. (Some of them fall out. If you
visit freight rail tracks, you'll find the pellets. I first learned
about taconite because I found the pellets on the ground underneath
the Conrail freight tracks at 32nd and Chestnut Streets in
Philadelphia. Then I wondered for years what they were until one day
I happened to run across a picture of them in a book I was reading.)
When the pellets arrive at the smelter, you can dump them in.
The pellets have around 65% iron content, which is just what the smelter
was designed for.
- Regarding my assertion
that there is no way to include a menu of recent posts in the "head"
part of the Blosxom output, I said:
With stock Blosxom, however, this is impossible. The first problem
you encounter is that there is no stories_done callback.
Todd Larason pointed out that this is mistaken, because (as I
mentioned in the article) the foot template is called once,
just after all the stories are processed, and that is just what I was
asking for.
My first reaction was "Duh."
My second reaction was to protest that it had never occurred to me to
use foot, because that is not what it is for. It is for
assembling the footer!
There are two things wrong with this protest. First, it isn't a true
statement of history. It never occurred to me to use foot,
true, but not for the reason I wanted to claim. The real reason is
that I thought of a different solution first, implemented it, and
stopped thinking about it. If anything, this is a credit to Blosxom,
because it shows that some problems in Blosxom can be solved in
multiple ways. This speaks well to the simplicity and openness of
Blosxom's architecture.
The other thing wrong with this protest is that it assumes that that
is not what foot is for. For all I know, when
Blosxom's author was writing Blosxom, he considered adding a
stories_done callback, and, after a moment of reflection,
concluded that if someone ever wanted that, they could just use
foot instead. This would be entirely consistent with the
rest of Blosxom's design.
M. Larason also pointed out that even though the head
template (where I wanted the menu to go) is filled out and appended to
the output before the article titles are gathered, it is not too late
to change it. Any plugin can get last licks on the output by
modifying the global $blosxom::output variable at the last
minute. So (for example) I could have put PUT THE MENU HERE
into the head template, and then had my plugin do:
$blosxom::output =~ s/PUT THE MENU HERE/$completed_menu/g;
to get the menu into the output, without hacking on the base code.
Thank you, M. Larason.
- My article on the 20 most
important tools attracted a lot of attention.
- I briefly considered and rejected the spinning
wheel, on the theory that people have spun plenty of thread with
nothing but their bare fingers and a stick to wind it around.
Brad Murray and I had a long conversation about this, in which he
described his experience using and watching others use several kinds
of spinning tools, including the spinning wheel, charkha (an Indian
spining wheel), drop spindle, and bare fingers, and said "I can't
imagine making a whole garment with my output sans tools." It
eventually dawned on me that I did not know what a drop spindle was.
A drop spindle is a device for making yarn or thread. The basic
process of making yarn or thread is this: you take some kind of
natural fiber, such as wool, cotton, or flax fiber, which you have
combed out so that the individual fibers are more or less going the
same direction. Then you twist some of the fibers into a thread. So
you have this big tangled mass of fiber with a twisted thread sticking
out of it. You tug on the thread, pulling it out gently, while still
twisting, and more fibers start to come away from the mass and get
twisted into the thread. You keep tugging and twisting and eventually
all the fiber is twisted into a thread. "Spinning" is this
tugging-twisting process that turns the mass of combed fibers into
You can do this entirely by hand, but it's slow. The drop spindle
makes it a lot faster. A drop spindle is a stick with a hook stuck
into one end and a flywheel (the "whorl") near the other end. You
hang the spindle by the hook from the unspun fiber and spin it.
As the spindle revolves, the hook twists the wool into a thread. The
spindle is hanging unsupported from the fiber mass, so gravity tends
to tug more fibers out of the mass, and you help this along with your
fingers. The spindle continues to revolve at a more-or-less constant
rate because of the flywheel, producing a thread of more-or-less
constant twist. If you feed the growing thread uniformly, you get a
thread of uniform thickness.
When you have enough thread (or when the spindle gets too close to the
floor) you unhook the thread temporarily, wind the spun thread onto
the shaft of the spindle, rehook it, and continue spinning.
A spinning wheel is an elaboration of this basic device. The flywheel
is separate from the spindle itself, and drives it via a belt
arrangement. (The big wheel you probably picture in your mind when
you think of a spinning wheel is the flywheel.) The flywheel keeps
the spindle revolving at a uniform rate. The spinning wheel also has
a widget to keep the tension constant in the yarn. With the wheel,
you can spin a more uniform thread than with a drop spindle and you
can spin it faster.
I tried hard to write a coherent explanation of spinning, and
although spinning is very simple it's awfully hard to describe for
some reason. I read several descriptions on the web that all left me
scratching my head; what finally cleared it up for me was the videos of
drop spinning at the superb The Joy of Handspinning
web site. If my description left you scratching your head, check out
the videos; the "spinning" video will make it perfectly clear.
The drop spindle now seems to me like a good contender for one of the
twenty most-important tools. My omission of it wasn't an oversight,
but just plain old ignorance. I thought that the spinning wheel was
an incremental improvement on simpler tools, but I misunderstood what
the simpler tools were.
The charkha, by the way, is an Indian configuration of the spinning
wheel; "charkha" is just Hindi for "wheel". There are several
varieties of the charkha, one of which is the box charkha, a
horizontal spinning wheel in a box. The picture to the right depicts
Gandhi with a box charkha.
- Doug Orleans asked whether I had considered the key. I hadn't,
but I think it's exempt from consideration for the same kinds of
reasons as those I cited for the remote control: any particular key
serves not a general door-opening function but a specific one. Not
that keys aren't important, but rather, they seem to be outside the
scope of this particular discussion.
- Mike Krell asked why I would list the radio on my third-tier list
and omit the computer. Obviously, the question is not one of
usefulness or of importance, but of whether the "computer" is a "tool"
in the original sense of the list, or whether it is disqualified by
reason of being too general, too abstract, too complex, or something
like that. I made several arguments, most of which I think he
My initial answer was that computers are disqualified for the same
reason that remote controls are: people do carry calculators, cell
phones, personal organizers, handheld GPS devices, and (if they work
for FedEx) package tracking gizmos. All of these are tools that
incorporate computers, but they don't really seem to be merely
different forms of the same thing. Each one is a tool, but "computer"
is not, similar to the way that the microscope and the telescope are
different tools, and not merely variations of "the lens".
Perhaps so, but then I had a fit of insanity and asserted that people
do not walk around toting general-purpose computers in case they
happen upon some data that needs processing. M. Krell very
gently pointed out that yes, they do exactly that: "I see them every
time I fly on an airplane, breaking them out to process some data for
work (or play) as soon as the flight attendant says it's OK."
Whoops. Quite so.
M. Krell suggested that by restricting the definition of "tool"
to devices that perform a single specific function or a few such
functions, I have circumscribed the definition of "tool" in an
arbitrary way that "does not accurately reflect the realities of our
current Information Age". Okay.
- Jon Evans said "Everyone always forgets the hoe." I did indeed
forget the hoe. Not quite a knife, not quite a shovel...
- Regarding the start of the year prior to 1751, when it
was moved from 25 March to 1 January. You may recall that I had a
series of articles
in which I was concerned that Benjamin Franklin
might be only 299 years old, not 300, because of confusion about just
what year was meant in discussions of the date "6 January 1706". (The
legal year 1705 ran from 25 March 1705 through 24 March 1706.)
This ambiguity
was confusing at the time as well. It makes little difference to my
life whether Franklin is 300 years old or only 299, but if you were a
person living in 1706, you might like to be sure, when someone said
they would pay you fifty shillings on 6 January 1706, when the payment
would be.
It seems that baroque authors had a convention to disambiguate such
dates. Here's a quote from William Derham's 1726 introduction to
Robert Hooke's notes on the invention of the barometer:
To this I W.D. shall add another Remark I find
in the minutes of the Royal Society, February 20.
!!167^8_9!!, viz.…
And similarly, from Richard Waller's summary of The Life of
Dr. Robert Hooke:
…they prosecuted their former Inquiries, their first meeting at
Arundel house being on the ninth of Jan. !!166^6_7!!.
- * In an
earlier post, I referred to "Ramanujan's approximation to π":
\cfrac{e^{-2\pi}}{1 +
\cfrac{e^{-4\pi}}{1 + \cdots}}}
\sqrt{\frac{5+\sqrt5}2} -
But this isn't the formula I was thinking of; I showed the wrong
formula! It's obviously not an approximation to π. The
approximation formula I was thinking of is no less astonishing:
$${1\over\pi} =
{ (4i)! (1103 + 26390i)
(i!)^4 (396)^{4i}
- Finally, in my article on the
20 most important tools, I said that I didn't think I knew anyone
who had used a gas chromatograph; Geoffrey Young pointed out that he
had used one.
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