Recent addenda to articles 202303
I added some notes to
the article about mutating consonants in Spanish,
about the Spanish word llevar and its connection with
Levant, Catalan llevant, the east, the orient, and Latin orior.
I unexpectedly got to use
my weird divisibility trick
a second time.
John Wiersba informed me that
the auction game I described is
called “Goofspiel”.
I added a note to my article about
spires of the Sagrada Família
that mentions that the number twelve (of disciples) symbolizes
perfection and is the number of stars in the flag of the European Union.
Lukas Epple wrote to point out that back in 2006 I cited the wrong section for the
proof of !!1+1=2!! from the Principia
Mathematica. This inspired me to hunt up the actual theorem. My
article about this only discussed the
precursor theorem ∗54.3. Here's what the !!1+1=2!! proof
looks like: 
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