The Universe of Discourse

Sat, 20 Oct 2018

I struggle to understand Traversable

Haskell evolved a lot since the last time I seriously wrote any Haskell code, so much so that all my old programs broke. My Monad instances don't compile any more because I'm no longer allowed to have a monad which isn't also an instance of Applicative. Last time I used Haskell, Applicative wasn't even a thing. I had read the McBride and Paterson paper that introduced applicative functors, but that was years ago, and I didn't remember any of the details. (In fact, while writing this article, I realized that the paper I read was a preprint, and I probably read it before it was published, in 2008.) So to resuscitate my old code I had to implement a bunch of <*> functions and since I didn't really understand what it was supposed to be doing I couldn't do that. It was a very annoying experience.

Anyway I got that more or less under control (maybe I'll publish a writeup of that later) and moved on to Traversable which, I hadn't realized before, was also introduced in that same paper. (In the prepublication version, Traversable had been given the unmemorable name IFunctor.) I had casually looked into this several times in the last few years but I never found anything enlightening. A Traversable is a functor (which must also implement Foldable, but let's pass over that for now, no pun intended) that implements a traverse method with the following signature:

    traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

The traversable functor itself here is t. The f thing is an appurtenance. Often one looks at the type of some function and says “Oh, that's what that does”, but I did not get any understanding from this signature.

The first thing to try here is to make it less abstract. I was thinking about Traversable this time because I thought I might want it for a certain type of tree structure I was working with. So I defined an even simpler tree structure:

    data Tree a = Con a | Add (Tree a) (Tree a)
        deriving (Eq, Show)

Defining a bunch of other cases wouldn't add anything to my understanding, and it would make it take longer to try stuff, so I really want to use the simplest possible example here. And this is it: one base case, one recursive case.

Then I tried to make this type it into a Traversable instance. First we need it to be a Functor, which is totally straightforward:

    instance Functor Tree where
        fmap f (Con a) = Con (f a)
        fmap f (Add x y) = Add (fmap f x) (fmap f y)

Then we need it to be a Foldable, which means it needs to provide a version of foldr. The old-fashioned foldr was

    foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

but these days the list functor in the third place has been generalized:

    foldr :: Foldable f => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b

The idea is that foldr fn collapses a list of as into a single b value by feeding in the as one at a time. Each time, foldr takes the previous b and the current a and constructs a new b. The second argument is the initial value of b. Another way to think about it is that every list has the form

    e1 : e2 : .... : []

and foldr fn b applied to this list replaces the (:) calls with fn and the trailing [] with b, giving me

    e1 `f` e2 `f` .... `f` b

The canonical examples for lists are:

    sum = foldr (+) 0

(add up the elements, starting with zero) and

    length = foldr (\_ -> (+ 1)) 0

(ignore the elements, adding 1 to the total each time, starting with zero). Also foldr (:) [] is the identity function for lists because it replaces the (:) calls with (:) and the trailing [] with [].

Anyway for Tree it looks like this:

   instance Foldable Tree where
        foldr f b (Con a) = f a b
        foldr f b (Add x y) = (foldr f) (foldr f b x) y

The Con clause says to take the constant value and combine it with the default total. The Add clause says to first fold up the left-side subtree x to a single value, then use that as the initial value for folding up the right-side subtree y, so everything gets all folded up together. (We could of course do the right subtree before the left; the results would be different but just as good.)

I didn't write this off the top of my head, I got it by following the types, like this:

  1. In the first clause

        foldr f b (Con a) = ???

    we have a function f that wants an a value and a b value, and we have both an a and a b, so put the tabs in the slots.

  2. In the second clause

        foldr f b (Add x y) = ???

    f needs an a value and none is available, so we can't use f by itself. We can only use it recursively via foldr. So forget f, we will only be dealing only with foldr f, which has type b -> Tree a -> b. We need to apply this to a b value and the only one we have is b, and then we need to apply that to one of the subtrees, say x, and thus we have synthesized the foldr f b x subexpression. Then pretty much the same process gets us the rest of it: we need a b and the only one we have now is foldr f b x, and then we need another tree and the only one we haven't used is y.

It turns out it is easier and more straightforward to write foldMap instead, but I didn't know that at the time. I won't go into it further because I have already digressed enough. The preliminaries are done, we can finally get on to the thing I wanted, the Traversable:

    instance Traversable Tree where
      traverse = ....

and here I was stumped. What is this supposed to actually do? For our Tree functor it has this signature:

    traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b) 

Okay, a function a -> f b I understand, it turns each tree leaf value into a list or something, so at each point of the tree it gets out a list of bs, and it potentially has one of those for each item in the input tree. But how the hell do I turn a tree of lists into a single list of Tree b? (The answer is that the secret sauce is in the Applicative, but I didn't understand that yet.)

I scratched my head and read a bunch of different explanations and none of them helped. All the descriptions I found were in either prose or mathematics and I still couldn't figure out what it was for. Finally I just wrote a bunch of examples and at last the light came on. I'm going to show you the examples and maybe the light will come on for you too.

We need two Traversable functors to use as examples. We don't have a Traversable implementation for Tree yet so we can't use that. When I think of functors, the first two I always think of are List and Maybe, so we'll use those.

    > traverse (\n -> [1..n]) Nothing
    > traverse (\n -> [1..n]) (Just 3)
    [Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]

Okay, I think I could have guessed that just from the types. And going the other way is not very interesting because the output, being a Maybe, does not have that much information in it.

    > let f x = if even x then Just (x `div` 2) else Nothing

If the !!x!! is even then the result is just half of !!x!!, and otherwise the division by 2 “fails” and the result is nothing. Now:

    > traverse f [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    > traverse f [ 10, 4, 18 ]
    Just [5,2,9]

It took me a few examples to figure out what was going on here: When all the list elements are even, the result is Just a list of half of each. But if any of the elements is odd, that spoils the whole result and we get Nothing. (traverse f [] is Just [] as one would expect.)

That pretty much exhausts what can be done with lists and maybes. Now I have two choices about where to go next: I could try making both functors List, or I could use a different functor entirely. (Making both Maybe seemed like a nonstarter.) Using List twice seemed confusing, and when I tried it I could kinda see what it was doing but I didn't understand why. So I took a third choice: I worked up a Traversable instance for Tree just by following the types even though I didn't understand what it ought to be doing. I thought I'd at least see if I could get the easy clause:

    traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b) 

    instance Traversable Tree where
      traverse fn (Con a) = ...

In the ... I have fn :: a -> f b and I have at hand a single a. I need to construct a Tree b. The only way to get a b is to apply fn to it, but this gets me an f b and I need f (Tree b). How do I get the Tree in there? Well, that's what Con is for, getting Tree in there, it turns a t into Tree t. But how do I do that inside of f? I tinkered around a little bit and eventually found

  traverse fn (Con a) = Con <$> (fn a)

which not only type checks but looks like it could even be correct. So now I have a motto for what <$> is about: if I have some function, but I want to use it inside of some applicative functor f, I can apply it with <$> instead of with $.

Which, now that I have said it myself, I realize it is exactly what everyone else was trying to tell me all along: normal function application takes an a -> b and applies to to an a giving a b. Applicative application takes an f (a -> b) and applies it to an f a giving an f b. That's what applicative functors are all about, doing stuff inside of f.

Okay, I can listen all day to an explanation of what an electric drill does, but until I hold it in my hand and drill some holes I don't really understand.

Encouraged, I tried the hard clause:

  traverse fn (Add x y) = ...

and this time I had a roadmap to follow:

  traverse fn (Add x y) = Add <$> ...

The Con clause had fn a at that point to produce an f b but that won't work here because we don't have an a, we have a whole Tree a, and we don't need an f b, we need an f (Tree b). Oh, no problem, traverse fn supposedly turns a Tree a into an f (Tree b), which is just what we want. And it makes sense to have a recursive call to traverse because this is the recursive part of the recursive data structure:

  traverse fn (Add x y) = Add <$> (traverse fn x) ...

Clearly traverse fn y is going to have to get in there somehow, and since the pattern for all the applicative functor stuff is

  f <$> ... <*> ... <*> ...

let's try that:

  traverse fn (Add x y) = Add <$> (traverse fn x) <*> (traverse fn y)

This looks plausible. It compiles, so it must be doing something. Partial victory! But what is it doing? We can run it and see, which was the whole point of an exercise: work up a Traversable instance for Tree so that I can figure out what Traversable is about.

Here are some example trees:

 t1 = Con 3                              -- 3
 t2 = Add (Con 3) (Con 4)                -- 3 + 4
 t3 = Add (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)) (Con 2)  -- (3 + 4) + 2

(I also tried Add (Con 3) (Add (Con 4) (Con 2)) but it did not contribute any new insights so I will leave it out of this article.)

First we'll try Maybe. We still have that f function from before:

    f x = if even x then Just (x `div` 2) else Nothing

but traverse f t1, traverse f t2, and traverse f t3 only produce Nothing, presumably because of the odd numbers in the trees. One odd number spoils the whole thing, just like in a list.

So try:

    traverse f (Add (Add (Con 10) (Con 4)) (Con 18))

which yields:

          Just (Add (Add (Con 5) (Con 2)) (Con 9))

It keeps the existing structure, and applies f at each value point, just like fmap, except that if f ever returns Nothing the whole computation is spoiled and we get Nothing. This is just like what traverse f was doing on lists.

But where does that spoilage behavior come from exactly? It comes from the overloaded behavior of <*> in the Applicative instance of Maybe:

 (Just f) <*> (Just x) = Just (f x)
 Nothing  <*> _        = Nothing
       _  <*> Nothing  = Nothing

Once we get a Nothing in there at any point, the Nothing takes over and we can't get rid of it again.

I think that's one way to think of traverse: it transforms each value in some container, just like fmap, except that where fmap makes all its transformations independently, and reassembles the exact same structure, with traverse the reassembly is done with the special Applicative semantics. For Maybe that means “oh, and if at any point you get Nothing, just give up”.

Now let's try the next-simplest Applicative, which is List. Say,

    g n = [ 1 .. n ]

Now traverse g (Con 3) is [Con 1,Con 2,Con 3] which is not exactly a surprise but traverse g (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)) is something that required thinking about:

    [Add (Con 1) (Con 1),
     Add (Con 1) (Con 2),
     Add (Con 1) (Con 3),
     Add (Con 1) (Con 4),
     Add (Con 2) (Con 1),
     Add (Con 2) (Con 2),
     Add (Con 2) (Con 3),
     Add (Con 2) (Con 4),
     Add (Con 3) (Con 1),
     Add (Con 3) (Con 2),
     Add (Con 3) (Con 3),
     Add (Con 3) (Con 4)]

This is where the light finally went on for me. Instead of thinking of lists as lists, I should be thinking of them as choices. A list like [ "soup", "salad" ] means that I can choose soup or salad, but not both. A function g :: a -> [b] says, in restaurant a, what bs are on the menu.

The g function says what is on the menu at each node. If a node has the number 4, I am allowed to choose any of [1,2,3,4], but if it has the number 3 then the choice 4 is off the menu and I can choose only from [1,2,3].

Traversing g over a Tree means, at each leaf, I am handed a menu, and I make a choice for what goes at that leaf. Then the result of traverse g is a complete menu of all the possible complete trees I could construct.

Now I finally understand how the t and the f switch places in

    traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) 

I asked “how the hell do I turn a tree of lists into a single list of Tree b”? And that's the answer: each list is a local menu of dishes available at one leaf, and the result list is the global menu of the complete dinners available over the entire tree.

Okay! And indeed traverse g (Add (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)) (Con 2)) has 24 items, starting

      Add (Add (Con 1) (Con 1)) (Con 1)
      Add (Add (Con 1) (Con 1)) (Con 2)
      Add (Add (Con 1) (Con 2)) (Con 1)

and ending

      Add (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)) (Con 1)
      Add (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)) (Con 2)

That was traversing a list function over a Tree. What if I go the other way? I would need an Applicative instance for Tree and I didn't really understand Applicative yet so that wasn't going to happen for a while. I know I can't really understand Traversable without understanding Applicative first but I wanted to postpone the day of reckoning as long as possible.

What other functors do I know? One easy one is the functor that takes type a and turns it into type (String, a). Haskell even has a built-in Applicative instance for this, so I tried it:

     > traverse (\x -> ("foo", x)) [1..3]
     > traverse (\x -> ("foo", x*x)) [1,5,2,3]

Huh, I don't know what I was expecting but I think that wouldn't have been it. But I figured out what was going on: the built-in Applicative instance for the a -> (String, a) functor just concatenates the strings. In general it is defined on a -> (m, b) whenever m is a monoid, and it does fmap on the right component and uses monoid concatenation on the left component. So I can use integers instead of strings, and it will add the integers instead of concatenating the strings. Except no, it won't, because there are several ways to make integers into a monoid, but each type can only have one kind of Monoid operations, and if one was wired in it might not be the one I want. So instead they define a bunch of types that are all integers in obvious disguises, just labels stuck on them that say “I am not an integer, I am a duck”; “I am not an integer, I am a potato”. Then they define different overloadings for “ducks” and “potatoes”. Then if I want the integers to get added up I can put duck labels on my integers and if I want them to be multiplied I can stick potato labels on instead. It looks like this:

   import Data.Monoid
   h n = (Sum 1, n*10)

Sum is the duck label. When it needs to combine two ducks, it will add the integers:

   > traverse h [5,29,83]
   (Sum {getSum = 3},[50,290,830]) 

But if we wanted it to multiply instead we could use the potato label, which is called Data.Monoid.Product:

    > traverse (\n -> (Data.Monoid.Product 7, 10*n)) [5,29,83]
    (Product {getProduct = 343}, [50,290,830])                                                                                        

There are three leaves, so we multiply three sevens and get 343.

Or we could do the same sort of thing on a Tree:

    > traverse (\n -> (Data.Monoid.Product n, 10*n)) (Add (Con 2) (Add (Con 3) (Con 4)))
    (Product {getProduct = 24}, Add (Con 20) (Add (Con 30) (Con 40)))               

Here instead of multiplying together a bunch of sevens we multiply together the leaf values themselves.

The McBride and Paterson paper spends a couple of pages talking about traversals over monoids, and when I saw the example above it started to make more sense to me. And their ZipList example became clearer too. Remember when we had a function that gave us a menu at every leaf of a tree, and traverse-ing that function over a tree gave us a menu of possible trees?

       > traverse (\n -> [1,n,n*n]) (Add (Con 2) (Con 3))
       [Add (Con 1) (Con 1),
        Add (Con 1) (Con 3),
        Add (Con 1) (Con 9),
        Add (Con 2) (Con 1),
        Add (Con 2) (Con 3),
        Add (Con 2) (Con 9),
        Add (Con 4) (Con 1),
        Add (Con 4) (Con 3),
        Add (Con 4) (Con 9)]

There's another useful way to traverse a list function. Instead of taking each choice at each leaf we make a single choice ahead of time about whether we'll take the first, second, or third menu item, and then we take that item every time:

    > traverse (\n -> Control.Applicative.ZipList [1,n,n*n]) (Add (Con 2) (Con 3))
    ZipList {getZipList = [Add (Con 1) (Con 1),
                           Add (Con 2) (Con 3),
                           Add (Con 4) (Con 9)]}

There's a built-in instance for Either a b also. It's a lot like Maybe. Right is like Just and Left is like Nothing. If all the sub-results are Right y then it rebuilds the structure with all the ys and gives back Right (structure). But if any of the sub-results is Left x then the computation is spoiled and it gives back the first Left x. For example:

 > traverse (\x -> if even x then Left (x `div` 2) else Right (x * 10)) [3,17,23,9]
 Right [30,170,230,90]                
 > traverse (\x -> if even x then Left (x `div` 2) else Right (x * 10)) [3,17,22,9]
 Left 11

Okay, I think I got it.

Now I just have to drill some more holes.

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