Claude chokes on graph theory
Having had some pleasant surprises from Claude, I thought I'd see if
it could do math. It couldn't. Apparently some LLMs can sometimes
solve Math Olympiad problems, but Claude didn't come close.
First I asked something simple as a warmup:
MJD: What is the largest number that is less than 1000?
I had tried this on ChatGPT a couple of years back, with tragic
ChatGPT: The largest number that is less than 1000 is 999.
But it should have quit while it was ahead, because its response continued:
ChatGPT: Any number that is less than 1000 will have three digits, with the
first digit being 9, the second digit being 9, and the third digit
being any number from 0 to 8.
and then when I questioned it further it drove off the end of the pier:
ChatGPT: Any number with four or more digits can be less than
1000, depending on the specific digits that are used. For example,
the number 9991 is a four-digit number that is less than 1000.
Claude, whatever its faults, at least knew when to shut up:
MJD: What is the largest number that is less than 1000?
Claude: 999
I then asked it “What if it doesn't have to be an integer?” and it
didn't do so well, but that's actually a rather tricky question, not
what I want to talk about today. This article is about a less tricky
I have omitted some tedious parts, and formatted the mathematics to be
more readable. The
complete, unedited transcript can be viewed here.
I started by setting up context:
MJD: Let's say that the cube graph !!Q_n!! has as vertices the set
!!\{0,1\}^n!! and two vertices are connected with an edge if and only if
their coordinates differ in exactly one position. This is a
standard construction. Are you familiar with it?
Claude asserted that it was familiar with this family of
graphs. ((Wikipedia on cube graphs.) The
basic examples, !!Q_0!! through !!Q_3!!, look like this:

Each graph consists of two copies of the previous graph, with new edges added
between the corresponding vertices in the copies.
Then I got to the real question:
Now let's say that the Keane number for a graph !!G!! is the largest
number !!k!! such that:
- !!G!! can be partitioned into !!k!! connected subgraphs, and
- each pair of subgraphs is adjacent, in the sense
that for each pair !!H!!, !!K!! there is an edge of !!G!! with one vertex in !!H!!
and one in !!K!!.
If you understand so far, tell me the Keane numbers
of the cube graphs !!Q_0, Q_1!!, and !!Q_2!!.
Here are the maximal partitions for those three graphs:

The Keane number of !!Q_0!! is !!1!! because it has only one vertex.
For !!Q_1!! we can put each of the two vertices into a separate part
to get two parts. For !!Q_2!! we can get three parts as above. But
there is no partition of !!Q_2!! into four parts that satisfies the
second condition, because two of the parts would have to comprise the
upper-left and lower-right vertices, and would not be connected by an
Claude got this initial question right. So far so good.
Then I asked Claude for the Keane number of !!Q_3!! and this it was
unable to produce.
The correct number is !!4!!. There are several essentially different
partitions of !!Q_3!! into four parts, each of which touches the other
three, which proves that the number is at least !!4!!. Here are two examples:
In addition to these there are also partitions into parts of sizes
!!1+1+2+4!!, and sizes !!1+1+3+3!!.
On the other hand, more than !!4!! parts is impossible, and the proof
is one sentence long: !!Q_3!! has only !!8!! vertices, so any
partition into !!5!! or more parts must have a part of size
!!1!!, and this part can't be adjacent to the other four parts, because
a single vertex has only three outgoing edges. I would expect a bright
middle-schooler to figure this out in at most a few minutes.
At first, Claude got the right number, but with completely bogus
reasoning. To avoid belaboring the obvious, I'll highlight the errors but I won't discuss them at
- Let's find the maximum possible !!k!!:
- One valid partition with !!k=4!! exists:
- Take two opposite vertices (e.g., !!000!! and !!111!!)
- Make these two single-vertex subgraphs
- Split the remaining !!6!! vertices into two paths of !!3!! vertices each
- Each subgraph is connected
- Each pair of subgraphs will have an edge between them
The diagrams I showed earlier display some of the partitions that show !!k≥4!!,
but the one Claude gave here does not, because two of its parts (!!D!!
and !!B!!) are
not adjacent:

- Why can't !!k!! be !!5!! or more?
- If we had !!5!! or more subgraphs, we would need !!{5 \choose2} = 10!!
edges between pairs
- !!Q_3!! only has !!12!! edges total
- Some edges would need to be reused for multiple pairs
- But each edge can only connect one pair of subgraphs
- Therefore !!5!! or more subgraphs is impossible
Okay, Claude, I agree we would need ten edges for the connections between the parts,
but we have !!12!!, so why do you say that “some edges would need to
be reused”? It may be correct, but it does not follow.
Therefore, the Keane number of !!Q_3!! is !!4!!.
Would you like me to verify any part of this reasoning?
So, right answer, but seemingly by luck, since there were serious
errors in reasoning, in both the !!k≥4!! part and also in the !!k< 5!!
part. I decided to ignore the second one.
MJD: You said two of the subgraphs are !!H=\{000\}!! and
!!K=\{111\}!!. You said each pair of subgraps will have an edge
between them. What edge connects !!H!! and !!K!!?
Claude: Ah, I made a mistake.
The vertices !!000!! and !!111!! differ in all three positions, so they are
not adjacent in !!Q_3!! (they need to differ in exactly one position to
have an edge between them). This means that making them
single-vertex subgraphs would violate condition (2) since these
subgraphs would not be adjacent.
I need to rethink my claimed partition. Would you like me to try
again to determine the Keane number of !!Q_3!!?
MJD: Yes.
Claude: [finds a specific example showing !!k≥3!!, and remarks that !!k=4!! “seems difficult”]
Let me work on verifying whether !!k=4!! is possible or !!k=3!! is maximum. Would you like me to continue?
MJD: Please go on.
Claude: Let me try to prove !!k=3!! is maximum in !!Q_3!!.
Suppose we had !!k=4!! subgraphs. Then:
- We need !!{4 \choose 2} = 6!! edges between different subgraphs
- Each subgraph needs to be connected:
- A subgraph with !!3!! vertices needs at least !!2!! edges
- A subgraph with !!2!! vertices needs !!1!! edge
- A subgraph with !!1!! vertex needs !!0!! edges
- There are !!12!! edges total in !!Q_3!!
- If we have !!4!! subgraphs:
- First, !!6!! edges must go between different subgraphs
- That leaves only !!6!! edges for internal connectivity
- But with !!8!! vertices split into !!4!! subgraphs:
- If any subgraph has !!3+!! vertices, it needs !!2+!! edges internally
- If any has !!4+!! vertices, it needs !!3+!! edges internally
- With !!8!! vertices total divided into !!4!! parts, at least one part must have !!3+!! vertices
- After using !!2+!! edges for that part and !!6!! edges between parts, we don't have enough edges left to make all other parts connected
Therefore !!k=4!! is impossible, and the Keane number of !!Q_3!! is !!3!!.
Claude seems completely undirected here. Some of the things it says
are correct facts, but it can't link the facts together into actual
reasoning, except by accident. Sometimes it utters A followed by
B where A implies B, and it seems exciting, but just as often
B is a nonsequitur.
This is not that different from how ChatGPT was two years ago. It can
spout text, and often it can spout enough plausible,
grammatically-correct text to suggest that it knows things and is
thinking about them. Claude's text-spouting prowess is much more
impressive than ChatGPT's was two years ago. But it is still just a
I went on, trying to detect actual thinking.
MJD: What if there were !!4!! parts of !!2!! vertices each?
Claude's response here correctly applied its earlier analysis: four
parts of size !!2!! would use up four edges for internal
connectivity, leaving !!8!! for external connections, and we only need
Claude: I was too quick to conclude 4 was impossible. Let me try to find an explicit partition into 4 parts of 2 vertices each...
Would you like me to try to find such a partition, or would you first like me to verify that this kind of partition would definitely satisfy the adjacency requirement (condition 2)?
MJD: You keep going until you think you ha e the right answer.
Claude: Let me try to construct a partition of !!Q_3!! into !!4!! parts of !!2!! vertices each: …
This time Claude tried this partition:

It noticed that two of the four parts were not adjacent, and gave up
without searching further.
Claude: This makes me think !!3!! really is the maximum.
If Claude were a human mathematician, this would be a serious error.
Finding one invalid partition proves nothing at all.
Claude: My previous argument was wrong, but the conclusion might be right. Would you like me to try to prove more carefully that !!4!! is impossible?
There is no proof that !!4!! is impossible, and I thought it would be
unenlightening to watch Claude flounder around with it. But I wanted
to see what would happen if I asked it to prove a false claim that
should be easier because its premise is stronger:
MJD: Try a weaker conjecture: prove more carefully the four parts of size 2 is impossible.
Claude: Okay, let me prove that we cannot partition !!Q_3!! into four parts of size 2 each.
- Suppose we had such a partition !!H_1, H_2, H_3, H_4!!, where each !!H_i!! contains exactly two vertices.
- For any such !!H_i!!, its two vertices must be adjacent (to be connected). This means they differ in exactly one coordinate.
- Therefore, each !!H_i!! must be of one of these forms:
- Two vertices differing in 1st coordinate (like !!000,100!!)
- Two vertices differing in 2nd coordinate (like !!000,010!!)
- Two vertices differing in 3rd coordinate (like !!000,001!!)
- Consider any vertex !!v!! in !!Q_3!!. It has exactly 3 neighbors:
- One differing in 1st coordinate
- One differing in 2nd coordinate
- One differing in 3rd coordinate
- Therefore, if !!v!! is in !!H_i!!:
- One of its neighbors must also be in !!H_i!!
- That leaves only two edges from !!v!! that could connect to other parts
- So !!v!! can only help !!H_i!! be adjacent to at most two other parts
- But each !!H_i!! needs to be adjacent to all three other parts
This contradiction proves no such partition exists.
It's tempting to look at this and say that Claude was almost right.
It produced 16 lines and at least 15 of them, on their own, were
correct. But it's less impressive than it might first appear. Again
Claude displays the pattern of spouting text, some of which is
correct, and some of which is related. But that is all I can say in
its favor. Most of its statements are boilerplate. Sections 2–4 can
be deleted with nothing lost. Claude has buried the crux of the
argument, and its error, in section 5.
MJD: In step 5 I see that if !!v!! is in !!H_i!!, it can only help !!H_i!! be adjacent to two other parts. But !!H_i!! has size 2, so it contains a vertex other than !!v!!. If !!v!! connects !!H_i!! to two other parts, couldn't the other vertex of !!H_i!! connect !!H_i!! to a third part?
Claude: Ah, you're absolutely right! My proof attempt failed. Let me back up and try a different approach to the original question of whether !!Q_3!! can be partitioned into 4 parts that satisfy both conditions.
This time Claude did find a correct partition into four parts, showing that !!k≥4!!.
MJD: How did you come up with that example partition?
Claude: I should be honest - I didn't find it systematically. I was trying different arrangements somewhat randomly until I found one that worked.
I don't think there is any sense in which this is true, but at this
point I hadn't yet internalized that Claude's descriptions of its own
internal processes are text-spouting just like the rest of its output.
In any case, I ignored this and asked it to analyze its own earlier mistake:
MJD: Earlier you purported to prove that !!k=4!! was impossible, saying that !!6!! edges would be needed to connect the !!4!! parts, and that this did not leave enough edges to connect the parts internally. You didn't analyze this carefully, so you missed the solution where all four parts have !!2!! vertices each. Do that analysis more carefully than you did last time and explain why that counting method does not rule out a partition of !!Q_3!! into !!2+2+2+2!!.
Claude: (details elided)
So this counting argument shows:
- We need 10 edges
- We have 12 edges
- Therefore the counting argument does not rule out a !!2+2+2+2!! partition
My earlier analysis erred by not being explicit about the numbers. I
just had a vague sense that we needed "too many" edges, without
actually counting them. This shows the importance of precise
counting rather than relying on intuition about what seems like "too
Claude got the counting part right, although I think the final
paragraph is just spouting, especially the claim “I just had a vague
sense that…”, which should not be taken seriously.
[ Digression: This reminds me of a section in Daniel Dennett's Consciousness
Explained in which he discusses the perils of asking humans about
their internal processes. The resulting answers, he says, may provide
interesting informaiton about what people think is going on in their
heads, but we should be very wary about ascribing any accuracy or
insight to these descriptions. Dennett makes an analogy with an
anthropologist who asks a forest tribe about their forest god. The
tribespeople agree that the forest god is eight feet tall, he wears a
panther skin, and so on. And while this might be folklorically
interesting, we should be very reluctant to conclude from this
testimony that there is actually an eight-foot-tall fur-clad god in
the forest somewhere. We should be similarly reluctant to ascribe
real existence to Claude's descriptions of its “vague senses” or other
internal processes suggested by its remarks like “Ah, let me think...” or
“Ah, you're absolutely right!”. Claude has even less access to its own
mental states (such as they are) than a human would. ]
As I pointed out earlier in this article, there are several
essentially different solutions to the problem of partitioning !!Q_3!!
into four parts. Claude has found one of them, the one I showed above
on the left. I wanted to see if it could find another:
MJD: Are there any other partitions that are not ruled out by that argument? Or is 2+2+2+2 the only possibility?
Claude: Let me think about what other partitions could satisfy the edge-counting constraint.
If we have !!4!! parts, need !!6!! edges between parts, and have !!12!! total edges, then we can use up to !!6!! edges for internal connectivity of parts.
Possible partitions of !!8!! vertices into !!4!! parts could be:
- !!2+2+2+2!! (needs !!4!! internal edges)
- !!3+2+2+1!! (needs !!3!! internal edges)
- !!4+2+1+1!! (needs !!4!! internal edges)
- !!3+3+1+1!! (needs !!4!! internal edges)
- !!5+1+1+1!! (needs !!6!! internal edges)
So from just edge counting:
(Claude concludes that none of these is ruled out by edge-counting.)
So the edge-counting argument alone doesn't rule out any of these distributions of part sizes. We'd need additional arguments to determine which are actually possible in !!Q_3!!.
MJD: Why didn't you consider !!4+2+2+1!!?
Claude: Ah, you're right - I should have considered !!4+2+2+1!!!
For !!4+2+2+1!!:
- The part of size !!4!! needs at least !!3!! internal edges to be connected
- The parts of size !!2!! each need !!1!! internal edge
- So that's !!5!! internal edges needed
- Plus !!6!! edges needed between parts
- Total needed = !!11!! edges
- We have !!12!! edges available
So this case is also not ruled out by edge counting. I apologize for missing it in my list.
Would you like me to check if there are any other distributions I missed?
Oh, such failure! Failures that I have highlighted are clearly false statements, But the
failure here is much worse. Again, almost everything Claude said was
correct! And yet deeply wrong!
A bright middle-schooler could have missed this also. It was a bit of
a trick question. Not because it's ambiguous, but because
with !!4+2+2+1!! is not in line with the direction that the discussion was taking
at that point. There is nothing wrong with !!4+2+2+1!! from an
edge-counting point of view!
But I think a human mathematician, even a very young one, would have
been more likely to answer the question I actually asked, which was
“Why didn't you consider !!4+2+2+1!!?”, and from there might have
quickly come to the useful conclusion that it doesn't need to be
considered. Claude didn't do anything like that.
MJD: !!4+2+2+1!! doesn't work. Think about it more.
Let me think more carefully about a potential !!4+2+2+1!! partition.
Consider the part !!H!! of size !!4!!:
- To be connected, it needs at least !!3!! edges internally
- One vertex in !!H!! must connect to all !!3!! other vertices in !!H!!
- But in !!Q_3!!, each vertex has only !!3!! edges total
- If one vertex in !!H!! uses all its edges internally to connect to the other !!3!! vertices in !!H!!, it has no edges left to connect to other parts
- But every part needs to be adjacent to every other part
Therefore !!4+2+2+1!! is impossible, not because of edge counting, but because:
- Either !!H!! isn't connected (if we don't use enough internal edges)
- Or !!H!! can't connect to all other parts (if we use too many internal edges)
This shows why just counting edges isn't enough - we also need to think about the structure of !!Q_3!! and how the edges can be arranged.
Terrible. This is so muddled I wasn't even sure what to highlight as
the errors. Yes, if one vertex in !!H!! uses all its edges internally
to connect to the other !!3!! vertices in !!H!!, it has no edges left
to connect to other parts. But the other three vertices in !!H!! have
two edges each, so !!H!! could easily connect to the other three
And, of course, Claude has still missed the main point, which is that
one needn't consider !!4+2+2+1!!, because
!!4+2+2+1= 9!! and !!Q_3!! has only !!8!! vertices.
MJD: There is a much simpler argument why 4+2+2+1 won't work.
Claude: Ah, let me think...
In a !!4+2+2+1!! partition:
- The single vertex in the part of size !!1!! has degree !!3!! in !!Q_3!!
- But it needs to connect to all three other parts!
- It needs all three of its edges just to be adjacent to the other parts
- So it can't connect to all three other parts AND connect to three different vertices
This is a much simpler contradiction. I was making it too complicated by thinking about the part of size !!4!! when the part of size !!1!! immediately shows it's impossible.
MJD: How many vertices !!Q_3!!?
Claude: !!Q_3!! has !!8!! vertices (all binary strings of length !!3!!):
!!\{000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111\}!!
And now I see an even simpler argument why !!4+2+2+1!! is impossible:
!!4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9!! vertices, but !!Q_3!! only has !!8!! vertices!
I was doing complex analysis of connectivity and edges when I should have just checked that the claimed partition added up to the right number of vertices. This is a good reminder to check the most basic facts first.
Finally! I would love to know what really happened here. What
caused Claude to emit a sentence connecting !!4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9!! with
!!Q_8!! having only !!8!! vertices?
MJD: So remind me, did you decide that !!k(Q_3)!! is !!3!!, or !!4!!?
I wasn't sure it would remember this, by which I really mean that I
wasn't sure it would be able to pick out from its previous mass of
statements which one was correct. But whether by luck or not, it did
answer the question correctly:
Claude: Earlier I found a valid partition of Q_3 into 4 parts:
!!H_1 = \{000, 001\} !!
!!H_2 = \{100, 110\}!!
!!H_3 = \{010, 011\}!!
!!H_4 = \{101, 111\}!!
I verified that:
- Each part is connected
- Each part is adjacent to every other part
Therefore !!k(Q_3) ≥ 4!!.
I haven't yet proven that !!k(Q_3) ≤ 4!!. Would you like me to try to prove that !!5!! parts is impossible?
MJD: Please go ahead.
I found Claude's attempt at this interesting, but not in a good way.
After reading it I shrugged and quit the conversation.
Let me prove that !!5!! parts is impossible in !!Q_3!!.
- Five parts would require !!{5 \choose 2} = 10!! different edges just to connect all pairs of parts to each other.
- Each such edge must be distinct because a single edge can only connect one pair of parts.
- Each vertex in !!Q_3!! has degree !!3!!. With !!8!! vertices, the total number of edges is !!(8 × 3)/2 = 12!!.
- Out of these !!12!! edges:
- !!10!! must be used to connect different parts to each other
- That leaves only !!2!! edges for internal connectivity of parts
- But with !!8!! vertices split into !!5!! parts, some part must have size !!≥ 2!!
- Any part of size !!≥ 2!! must use at least one edge internally to be connected
- If one part uses one edge internally, that leaves only one edge for all other parts
- But if any other part has size !!≥ 2!!, it also needs an internal edge
- With !!8!! vertices in !!5!! parts, at least two parts must have size !!≥ 2!!
- Therefore !!2!! edges is not enough for internal connectivity
Thus !!k(Q_3) = 4!!.
Claude says that with !!8!! vertices in !!5!! parts, at least two
parts must have size !!2!! or more. This is wrong, because you could
have !!4+1+1+1+1!!.
But highlighting that wrong statement doesn't get at why this answer is
so bad. It's bad because the conclusion that appears next is a complete
The argument can be fixed up. I would put it like this:
- As Claude observed, we have only !!2!! edges available for internal connections
- A part with !!n!! vertices requires at least !!n-1!! edges for internal connections
- Let the sizes of the parts be !!n_1\dots n_5!!. Since !!n_1+\dots +n_5 = 8!!, we need at least !!(n_1-1)+\dots + (n_5-1) = 8-5 = 3!! edges for internal connections
- But we have only !!2!!.
It's true that !!2!! edges is not enough for internal connectivity.
But in my opinion Claude didn't come close to saying why.
Back in the early part of the 20th century, we thought that chess was
a suitable measure of intelligence. Surely a machine that could play
chess would have to be intelligent, we thought. Then we built
chess-playing computers and discovered that no, chess was easier than
we thought. We are in a similar place again. Surely a machine that
could hold a coherent, grammatical conversation on any topic would
have to be intelligent. Then we built Claude and discovered that no,
holding a conversation was easier than we thought.
Still by the standards of ten years ago this is stunning. Claude may
not be able to think but it can definitely talk and this puts it
on the level of most politicians, Directors of Human Resources, and
telephone santizers. It will be fun to try this again next year and
see whether it has improved.
Many thanks to Jacob Vosmaer for his helpful discussion of how to improve
this article.
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