Why does this phrase sound so threatening?

I took it the same way:
The Village of Melrose Park decided that it would be a good idea
is a menacing way to begin, foreboding bad times ahead for the
But what about this phrasing communicates that so unmistakably? I
can't put my finger on it. Is it “decided that”? If so, why? What
would have been a less threatening way to say the same thing? Does
“good idea” contribute to the sense of impending doom? Why or why
(The rest of the case is interesting, but to avoid distractions I will
post about it separately. The full opinion is
Addendum 20240508
I described Judge Seeger's tone here as “restrained but unmistakably
threatening”. Would you like to see what it looks like when he
abandons all restraint?
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More about _Cozzi v. Village of Melrose Park_
Earlier today I brought up the case of Cozzi v. Village of Melrose
Park and the restrained but unmistakably
threatening tone of the
opening words of the judge's opinion in that case:
The Village of Melrose Park decided that it would be a good idea
I didn't want to distract from the main question, so I have put the
details in this post instead. the case is
Cozzi v. Village of Melrose Park
N.D.Ill. 21-cv-998, and the judge's full opening paragraph is:
The Village of Melrose Park decided that it would be a good idea
to issue 62 tickets to an elderly couple for having lawn chairs in
their front yard. The Village issued ticket after ticket, imposing
fine after fine, to two eighty-year-old residents, Plaintiffs
Vincent and Angeline Cozzi.
The full docket is available on
Mr. Cozzi died in February 2022, sometime before the menacing opinion
was written, and the two parties are scheduled to meet for settlement
talks next Thursday, June 8.
The docket also contains the following interesting entry from the
On December 1, 2021, George Becker, an attorney for third-party
deponent Brandon Theodore, wrote a letter asking to reschedule the
deposition, which was then-set for December 2. He explained that a
"close family member who lives in my household has tested positive
for Covid-19." He noted that he "need[ed] to reschedule it" because
"you desire this deposition live," which the Court understands to
mean in-person testimony. That cancellation made perfect
sense. We're in a pandemic, after all. Protecting the health and
safety of everyone else is a thoughtful thing to do. One might have
guessed that the other attorneys would have appreciated the
courtesy. Presumably Plaintiff's counsel wouldn't want to sit in a
room with someone possibly exposed to a lethal virus. But here,
Plaintiff's counsel filed a brief suggesting that the entire thing
was bogus. "Theodore's counsel cancelled the deposition because of
he [sic] claimed he was exposed to Covid-19.... Plaintiff's counsel
found the last minute cancellation suspect.... " That response
landed poorly with the Court. It lacked empathy, and unnecessarily
impugned the integrity of a member of the bar. It was especially
troubling given that the underlying issue involves a very real, very
serious public health threat. And it involved a member of Becker's
family. By December 16, 2021, Plaintiff's counsel must file a
statement and reveal whether Plaintiff's counsel had any specific
reason to doubt the candor of counsel about a family member
contracting the virus. If not, then the Court suggests a moment of
quiet reflection, and encourages counsel to view the filing as a
good opportunity for offering an apology.
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