git log --author=... confused me
Today I was looking for recent commits by co worker Fred Flooney,
address , so I did
git log --author=ffloo
but nothing came up. I couldn't remember if --author would do a
substring search, so I tried
git log --author=fflooney
git log
and still nothing came up. “Okay,” I said, “probably I have Fred's
address wrong.” Then I did
git log --format=%ae | grep ffloo
The --format=%ae means to just print out commit author email
addresses, instead of the usual information. This command did
produce many commits with the author address .
I changed this to
git log --format='%H %ae' | grep ffloo
which also prints out the full hash of the matching commits. The
first one was 542ab72c92c2692d223bfca4470cf2c0f2339441.
Then I had a perplexity. When I did
git log -1 --format='%H %ae' 542ab72c92c2692d223bfca4470cf2c0f2339441
it told me the author email address was . But when I did
git show 542ab72c92c2692d223bfca4470cf2c0f2339441
the address displayed was .
The answer is, the repository might have a file in its root named
.mailmap that says “If you see this name and address, pretend you
saw this other name and address instead.” Some of the commits really
had been created with the address I was looking for, fflooney . But
the .mailmap said that the canonical version of that address was
fredf@ . Nearly all Git operations use the canonical address. The
git-log --author option searches the canonical address, and
git-show and git-log , by default, display the canonical address.
But my --format=%ae overrides the default behavior; %ae explicitly
requests the actual address. To display the canonical address, I
should have used --format=%aE instead.
Also, I learned that --author= does not only a substring search but
a regex search. I asked it for --author=d* and was puzzled when
it produced commits written by people with no d . This is a beginner
mistake: d* matches zero or more instances of d , and every name
contains zero or more instances of d . (I had thought that the *
would be like a shell glob.)
Also, I learned that --author=d+ matches only authors that contain
the literal characters d+ . If you want the + to mean “one or
more” you need --author=d\+ .
Thanks to Cees Hek, Gerald Burns, and Val Kalesnik for helping me get
to the bottom of this.
The .mailmap thing is documented in
git-check-mailmap .
[ Addendum: I could also have used git-log --no-use-mailmap ... ,
had I known about this beforehand. ]
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