The Universe of Discourse

Wed, 13 Sep 2023

Horizontal and vertical complexity

Note: The jumping-off place for this article is a conference talk which I did not attend. You should understand this article as rambling musings on related topics, not as a description of the talk or a response to it or a criticism of it or as a rebuttal of its ideas.

A co-worker came back from PyCon reporting on a talk called “Wrapping up the Cruft - Making Wrappers to Hide Complexity”. He said:

The talk was focussed on hiding complexity for educational purposes. … The speaker works for an educational organisation … and provided an example of some code for blinking lights on a single board machine. It was 100 lines long, you had to know about a bunch of complexity that required you to have some understanding of the hardware, then an example where it was the initialisation was wrapped up in an import and for the kids it was as simple as selecting a colour and which led to light up. And how much more readable the code was as a result.

The better we can hide how the sausage is made the more approachable and easier it is for those who build on it to be productive. I think it's good to be reminded of this lesson.

I was on fully board with this until the last bit, which gave me an uneasy feeling. Wrapping up code this way reduces horizontal complexity in that it makes the top level program shorter and quicker. But it increases vertical complexity because there are now more layers of function calling, more layers of interface to understand, and more hidden magic behavior. When something breaks, your worries aren't limited to understanding what is wrong with your code. You also have to wonder about what the library call is doing. Is the library correct? Are you calling it correctly? The difficulty of localizing the bug is larger, and when there is a problem it may be in some module that you can't see, and that you may not know exists.

Good interfaces successfuly hide most of this complexity, but even in the best instances the complexity has only been hidden, and it is all still there in the program. An uncharitable description would be that the complexity has been swept under the carpet. And this is the best case! Bad interfaces don't even succeed in hiding the complexity, which keeps leaking upward, like a spreading stain on that carpet, one that warns of something awful underneath.

Advice about how to write programs bangs the same drum over and over and over:

  • Reduce complexity
  • Do the simplest thing that could possibly work
  • You ain't gonna need it
  • Explicit is better than implicit

But here we have someone suggesting the opposite. We should be extremely wary.

There is always a tradeoff. Leaky abstractions can increase the vertical complexity by more than they decrease the horizontal complexity. Better-designed abstractions can achieve real wins.

It’s a hard, hard problem. That’s why they pay us the big bucks.

Ratchet effects

This is a passing thought that I didn't consider carefully enough to work into the main article.

A couple of years ago I wrote an article called Creeping featurism and the ratchet effect about how adding features to software, or adding more explanations to the manual, is subject to a “ratcheting force”. The benefit of the change is localized and easy to imagine:

You can imagine a confused person in your head, someone who happens to be confused in exactly the right way, and who is miraculously helped out by the presence of the right two sentences in the exact right place.

But the cost of the change is that the manual is now a tiny bit larger. It doesn't affect any specific person. But it imposes a tiny tax on everyone who uses the manual.

Similarly adding a feature to software has an obvious benefit, so there's pressure to add more features, and the costs are hidden, so there's less pressure in the opposite direction.

And similarly, adding code and interfaces and libraries to software has an obvious benefit: look how much smaller the top-level code has become! But the cost, that the software is 0.0002% more complex, is harder to see. And that cost increases imperceptibly, but compounds exponentially. So you keep moving in the same direction, constantly improving the software architecture, until one day you wake up and realize that it is unmaintainable. You are baffled. What could have gone wrong?

Kent Beck says, “design isn't free”.


The original article is in the context of a class for beginners where the kids just want to make the LEDs light up. If I understand the example correctly, in this context I would probably have made the same choice for the same reason.

But I kept thinking of an example where I made the opposite choice. I taught an introduction to programming in C class about thirty years ago. The previous curriculum had considered pointers an advanced topic and tried to defer them to the middle of the semester. But the author of the curriculum had had a big problem: you need pointers to deal with scanf. What to do?

The solution chosen by the previous curriculum was to supply the students with a library of canned input functions like

    int get_int(void);   /* Read an integer from standard input */

These used scanf under the hood. (Under the carpet, one might say.) But all the code with pointers was hidden.

I felt this was a bad move. Even had the library been a perfect abstraction (it wasn't) and completely bug-free (it wasn't) it would still have had a giant flaw: Every minute of time the students spent learning to use this library was a minute wasted on something that would never be of use and that had no intrinsic value. Every minute of time spent on this library was time that could have been spent learning to use pointers! People programming in C will inevitably have to understand pointers, and will never have to understand this library.

My co-worker from the first part of this article wrote:

The better we can hide how the sausage is made the more approachable and easier it is for those who build on it to be productive.

In some educational contexts, I think this is a good idea. But not if you are trying to teach people sausage-making!

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