The Universe of Discourse

Thu, 06 Nov 2008

Election results
Regardless of how you felt about the individual candidates in the recent American presidential election, and regardless of whether you live in the United States of America, I hope you can appreciate the deeply-felt sentiment that pervades this program:


        my $remain = 1232470800 - time();
        $remain > 0 or print("It's finally over.\n"), exit;

        my @dur;
        for (60, 60, 24, 100000) {
          unshift @dur, $remain % $_;
          $remain -= $dur[0];
          $remain /= $_;  

        my @time = qw(day days hour hours minute minutes second seconds);
        my @s;
        for (0 .. $#dur) {
          my $n = $dur[$_] or next;
          my $unit = $time[$_*2 + ($n != 1)];
          $s[$_] = "$n $unit"; 
        @s = grep defined, @s;

        $s[-1] = "and $s[-1]" if @s > 2;
        print join ", ", @s;
        print "\n";

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